Saturday, January 22, 2005


A special treat for you all this time! And by “you all” I obviously mean myself, because no one but I seems to read my posts… Please, if you read it, POST A COMMENT! It’s anonymous, so if you don’t leave a name, I won’t know who posted it.

Anywho, I wrote this story back when I was a freshman in high school after a particularly frustrating moment. I poured out that frustration into the first half, and when it came time to conclude the story, I was at peace and could end the story happily. So, without further comment, here is, Shadows.

I hate this place. I hate this place’s evil attackers. All the shadows of encroaching evil are advancing upon this little cove of safety. My cove of safety. There, I hear them coming! Soon, they will come through the door. The Door. The Door that leads into my realm of security. Their claws scrape the protective barrier in anticipation. Soon, they will come through the door, I know. A crash! The door explodes into my sanctuary as a blur of energy. Their shrieks and snarls resound all the louder as I stare at the opening in the wall. An evil opening. A deadly opening.

The shadows advance through the portal of doom like so many ants, swarming through their tunnels in a mad effort to subdue and conquer all they know. My end is nigh, I know. Sweat flows freely from my every pore. A cold touch hits my shoulder like a heavy blow! I screech in terror and scoot towards the door. My mind scrambles as I try to remember why I feel dread as the portal looms before me. A fleeting thought passes through my brain like an explosion! To leave this room was death! Yet they were with me in the room, driving me towards the door.

I wept in terror, the most horrible cry that man can hear. The door was drawing ever nearer! I must get away from them! No, I must get away from the door! Thoughts fought in my head as armies. Once more I wept. It need not be this way! I must find another way! “Here is a way, my son”, I heard a voice say. “Where are you?” I screamed, desperate to find a savior. “Believe in me, and I will show you the light.” came the reply. “I believe! I believe! Just show me the way!” I screamed again.

“Here. How can you see in the dark of your mind, for surely, this is the darkest recess of your consciousness?”

A shaft of light splintered the darkness of the room of my sub-consciousness. I yelped as the light grew in intensity. It was hurting me! My skin ignited with a white fire and my mind burned in anguish. Then it stopped. The pain was gone, my sanctuary was aglow in holy, healing fire, and the shadows of evil were gone. They were gone! My heart cried with joy, a stark contrast to my wretched whimpering of before. “Thank you! Oh thank you!” I cried out. “Please, make yourself known to me!” I called. Then, I saw it. The door was once again in its place.

My ears detected a quiet knock, which I had heard before, but ignored, because the other noises seemed to take precedence. I slowly arose from the floor. Again, a strange sight surprised me. My clothes were now white and clean. I then opened the door for my savior.

The man on the other side of the door looked not as I expected. I had conjured images in my mind of a mighty warrior or a strong noble king. This man looked like neither. His hands caught my inquisitive eyes first. They had holes through them! The beautiful hands had been stabbed clear through! Words cannot describe the rest of him, except that he liked like love, incarnate in a human body. He smiled down at me. His very gaze bore straight into my soul. “Have you knocked long?” I asked, for lack of a better question. Kindness flowed from him in waves as he said, ”I have always stood and knocked here, and at any time I could have entered. It is better, though, to wait for the owner to open the door.”

“What do you require, lord?” I inquired.

“Only this; that you obey me and follow my teachings. Then, when this room crumbles, you may journey with me to paradise.”

With that, the man took a seat in the corner, and watched and guided me. All my life, he has protected me. And as I look at his face, I know only this, that I love my Jesus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew- That was a really good story.. I enjoyed it a lot.. You should consider being a writer or something like that =)

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What great stuff!

7:52 PM  

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