Sunday, September 04, 2005

Dream on!

“Chase after your dreams”! So say many motivational speakers and the like. Forget about what may happen, could happen or might happen, and just go for it. Let go of all that holds you back, and grasp your dreams.

What a load of crock (pardon my Dutch)! I mean, sure, I have dreams. I mean sure, I even chased some of them. But after the Fall Bible Conference here at Cedarville, and after some thinking, my view has changed.

I used to believe that you should just go for it. Now, I don’t. And I have lots of reasons why. But mainly, I feel that I need to stop chasing my dreams, and let God bring them to me. I mean, sure I can imagine quite a lot of good things, but when I let go and just let God do the dreaming, He dreams things up for me that I never could have imagined, let alone received on my own power. When you let God lead your life, you’ve got an edge no one else has; an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent guide with your best interests in mind. Do I think I could do better on my own? No way! I mess up enough as it is to try and live life my way.

Let me put it this way. I’m sure Abram had dreams of his own. But what happened? God came and told him that He had a better dream for Abram. Abram was to become a WHOLE nation!

Wow. That’s a dream I wouldn’t have dreamt. And what did Abram do? He left everything so that he could follow God, and God’s plan for his life.

But (and there is always a but when you’re dealing with impatient human beings), what eventually happened? Abraham (name change!) decided to realize the dream in his own way. You see, his wife Sarah could not have children (kinda hard to become a nation when you can’t have kids). And, even though Abraham knew God was in control, Abraham decided that his way was better. So, he decided to have children with his wife’s servant. What of that? Well, because he didn’t wait on God, we now have the Arab nations through that servant’s children.

Do you realize, that if Abraham had followed God’s plan and waited, 9/11 would not have happened? That there very well could be peace in the Middle East? With deviation from God’s plan come consequences.

Now, even though Abraham didn’t quite do as God told him, God still let Abraham’s dream (God’s planned dream for him) be realized.

So what does this mean? It means that I’m going to wait on God, and let God do my dreaming for me. Because if the Creator of the Universe has an idea for my life, it’s a sure bet that it will be far better than anything I could have thought up on my own.


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