Monday, February 28, 2005

The Least Prayer

Well, my last post really didn't have any inspiration behind, and I think it showed. But, I got inspired today to write this prayer, which is and has been in my heart...

I am surely the lowest of all Your creation. Everyone else is greater than I and more deserving of You.

The President is higher than I. He leads this nation for you Lord. He is Your leader for us appointed through Your providence. He must make decisions daily that affect the whole world. Yes, the President is more than I.

The pastor is worth more than me. He teaches Your people Lord, and shows them Your ways. I have neither the strength nor the ability to do as he does for You, God. Yes, the pastor is greater than I.

The teacher does more than I do Lord. She gives the children knowledge so that they might better serve You. She holds as her responsibility their very souls as she teaches them the things they should know without falsity. Yes, the teacher is better than I.

Friends are better than I Lord. They put up with me, the lowest of the low, and expect nothing for it. They are a witness to Your grace as they accept me for who I am where even I have rejected myself. Yes, friends are more caring than I.

The child is closer to You, Lord. The little children accept Your every word without a second thought. They believe in You without the least bit of doubt. Yes, the child has more faith than I.

The homeless man is better than I Lord. He endures the troubles of this world in ways I cannot fathom. He is a testimony to Your care Lord, as he survives where I might despair and lose hope. Yes, even the homeless man is stronger than I.

The list is endless Lord. Everyone on this earth you have created is better than I, stronger than I, greater than I, or more than I. I am as low as dirt next to them Lord, and I am nothing compared to You. That is why I cannot understand… I do not comprehend how You, the Greatest of the Great, the Lord of Lords, the Creator of all, could give Your life for me. Why? Why did You die for me when I am nothing compared to You? Why did You give everything so that I could be Yours? Why? I can understand why you died for the others, Lord. They are so much more deserving of Your love than I am. But why me?

By giving Your life for mine, You have declared me worthy of it. By dying for me, You made me worth of it. That is why I must thank You more than anyone else, Lord, because I deserved it the least. And yet, to me was also given the greatest gift. The same that You gave the President. The same that You gave the pastor and the teacher. The same that You gave to all of mankind. And You included me, because You declared me worthy. And it makes me weep all the more because You gave to me all, when I was worthy of none.


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