Friday, February 04, 2005

Ocean of Reality

There is no greater depression than this... To feel as though no one needs you, wants you or even gives a lick about what happens to you... And it's only worse when you do give a lick about them.

Adrift. Lost. Floating in the Ocean of Reality. Such is my fate. Such is how I must be. In this vast expanse of water, alone. Every so often, I see others. Every so often I find that I am not really the only person in life. But, soon they drift away. They want nothing to do with me. Some already have others with them, but I am not wanted. And so I drift alone, floating in the middle of the sea.

This sea is salty. As salty as the mighty Atlantic or the foaming Pacific. More so even. More salty than even the Dead Sea, for the Ocean of Reality is made of the saltiest of waters. This sea, is made of tears. My tears, and the tears of all I have hurt. Some others have tears in the sea from those who have cried for them, but not I. The only tears around me are those I have created.

There is no land in all this body of water, save for the island who's name is Hope. No one lives on the island, but there are those who spend time there. But, to find the island, you have to have hope. Those who live in Hope after a time always seem to lose hope and cast back off into the sea. I cast off some time ago. I stay within sight of the island, but never can reach it it seems. I seem to be caught between Hope and the Ocean of Reality and am unable to go far to either extreme.

Those who are truly lucky and blessed find others either in Hope or in Reality who would join them on their journey. Those happy few set off together into Reality to brave the waters together. The bond forged between them is mightier than anything the Ocean can throw at them and strong enough so that they no longer need Hope. They instead have the powerful CompanionShip, who's prow will never go under as long as those on board continue to help each other.

But me, I lie on a plank of wood from the only thing that kept me from the sea. That was the the boat called Ignorance. Everyone in the Ocean, on Hope or in a CompanionShip started their journey in Ignorance. But, Ignorance is never enough to hold up against the mighty Ocean of Reality. And so, I drift along on that plank, remembering the short stay I had in Hope. Now, it is all I can do to keep Hope in my sight as the Ocean of Reality pulls me away...

That is quite possibly the most cynical thing I have ever written...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE, don't lose hope! Sure, even when you find it, you eventually float off into your own dread again, but as I have found, if you look to God, you WILL find hope.

For example, I had a bad day, and I had a load of homework, and stress was high...and I opened up my Bible, and I read this verse that said to praise God for EVERYTHING. I sighed and started to pray. "Thank you God for all the tests I have tomorrow, and thank you God for my project I have to complete, and thank you God that I am so stressed out (and so on and so forth)." Even though it sounded like a really strange prayer, it made me happy, really happy. All of a sudden I felt peace, and I gained HOPE!

While I was looking up that verse about praising God, I flipped right to these:
John 14: 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.”
Romans 5:3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, HOPE. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Hope this helps! :) God Bless!

7:12 PM  

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