Friday, February 11, 2005

My Jesus

Have you ever felt this way?

I sat there sobbing, head bowed, hands covering my eyes. My heart throbbed, empty. My soul echoed my sobs. I felt alone, unwanted, unneeded. No one wanted anything to do with me. Those whom I thought were my friends were the very ones who had wounded me. Wounded me with their words. Their harsh, caustic words! The words that, like a knife in my chest, throbbed with my heart. I raised my hands to the sky, outstretched, and I wailed. I screamed in frustration and sadness and dejection. I voiced the agonies of my soul to the heavens.

He sat there, sobbing, head bowed near mine, arm around me. He felt my pain as acutely as though He Himself were in my place. And indeed, He had been there. He had been scorned and scoffed at. Even at His death, He had been verbally abused. And at His death, He had raised His head to the sky as I did, and He said, “My God, my God… Why have you forsaken me?” He knew the pain I felt, and it was for that pain that He gave His life for me. Now, because of the pain He went through, there was something better for me. Now I had a Savior Who would always be beside me to comfort me. He had a plan for me, and though I had to suffer now, it was all for something better. He knew the pain I was going through, and He knew I had to endure it. He hurt for me, as a father’s heart churns as he punishes his child. He could see why it had to happen, but the child could not. And so the father’s child sobbed because of the pain, but the father cried not only because his child was hurting, but also because he had to let the child endure it. It was for the best, but the child could not see…

I sat there with my hands outstretched towards the sky, head raised to heaven, sobbing. Though I did not know why I had to feel this pain, I did know that I have a Savior Who knows, and He knows best. I sobbed some more, but this time it was different. This time I cried not because I was hurting, but because I knew that His arms were around me and that I was under His care. And I knew that my Jesus loves me…

Pain isn't a pleasent feeling to endure, but knowing that there is a God Who cares, and Who will always care is a great comfort. It makes you cry in another way. It makes you cry to know that there is Someone Who loves you that much...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a very good story; it gives us all hope of an unconditional love from Jesus. keep up the good writing!

5:32 PM  

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