Wednesday, September 14, 2005


“Mom, Dad… I’m pregnant.”

“Wonderful sweetie! When did you find out?”

Honestly, when you read that first line, and not having read the second line, what did you expect coming? A not so happy response? Why is that? When did the word “pregnant” start conjuring up images of angry faces and tears? When did the start of new life become something that is shunned?

The very image produced by the word “pregnant” has changed from blessing to shame. Why? Because we have stopped making marriage a priority? Casual sex? Or is it something more? Something like, a cascade of sin which is all made manifest through a single symptom? I believe that such is indeed the case.

It used to be that a man and a woman, united together with God in marriage (marriage is not a two way relationship. I strongly agree with Joshua Harris who feels that a marriage is most closely compared to a two person worship service for God), would decide to fulfill God’s first commandment to mankind: to procreate. That was when pregnancy conjured up pictures of new life, family and love. Now what does the word pregnancy make us think of?

Pregnancy now tends to make us think of the proverbial young girl, head bowed and hugging herself. She looks scared, as she has a right to be. A person whom she thought loved her (and perhaps whom she thought she loved) has abandoned her. She has something big to tell her parents, but isn’t sure if they will still love her, in light of the previous response of someone who “loved” her. She is pregnant.

I saw a sign once for teen counseling. It had a picture of that girl I just described, along with the caption, “Pregnant and scared?” Pregnant and scared? How has the word pregnant changed in meaning so much in such a short time?

Pregnancy has taken quite a hit from so many sins. Pregnancy used to mean new life, but as the major symptom for sins such as adultery, pre-marital sex and rape, it was bound to take on a darker meaning.

Some may think I’m taking this whole thing a little too far. After all, I am just wondering why a word’s meaning changed. But, I know how powerful a word can be.

God spoke the Universe into existence with words. Jesus is called The Word. Satan will be felled with one word.

Words allow mankind to bare their souls to each other. Without speech, we would be very focused on ourselves. To not be able to talk (and I don’t mean to simply be mute, I mean no speech, no sign language and no writing), would be horrible. Hugs can only do so much to convey the true inner workings of the heart.

So, what does my position on words have to do with my being upset and worried at the meaning change of the word pregnant? Words are the lifeblood of the connections we make in life. A society is defined by the relationships of those in it.

My point is this. If a word changes meaning, it implies a change in the way society views something. And any change towards the negative is a good indicator of a negative change in society (by a Biblical Christian worldview). Therefore, I know the change in meaning of the word pregnant shows in graphic detail the corruption of marriage, the rise of casual sex and an increase in rape.

Am I taking this whole thing too far? Or, have I not even scratched the surface?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

personally i think it's an interesting topic and one that has consiquence on all too many people in th elong run. I do, however, believe that in your life, and my life, and the lives of all our friends, that this wont' be an issue. Consiqently i also think that if it is we have a few skulls to crack :) now where'd that bat go...

10:46 AM  

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