Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Lord, how complex are the heavens! The clouds, the sun, the moon and the whole of the sky; their beauty is a shifting one, never the same from day to day. The sunsets, all of my life, each one has been unique in my sight. Each one has been more than my mind can totally comprehend. And the sky, with its clouds! What an amazing canvas for the pictures made by the light of the sun. Nothing else would do! Truly Lord, you know what beauty is.

Lord, how mighty is the sea! Its foaming waves and breaking surf, its awesome power and fickle nature; all of these are testaments to the power of You, their Creator! As mighty as man becomes, we can not even tame the sea. And how much more powerful is the Creator of this creation? Truly, to think that we could even be measured by the same scale is madness! Only You Lord are almighty. Only You Lord are stronger than my every fear. Lord, only You are strong enough to have made the sea!

Lord, how amazing are Your creatures! The lion, the bear, the eagle and the lamb; the kitten, the falcon, the owl and the pony; all of these have been made by You! Each is different from the last. As dry is to wet, so are the differences between them! No mind on earth could have thought of even one! And You, You made them all. All of them, in one instant, were created by You. Lord, only You have imagination, intelligence and creativity enough to have designed each one as You have.

Lord, how precious is Your Son! Jesus, God and man, gave His life upon a tree for me. For every soul upon this earth, Jesus died in their place. He took the sins. He took the shame. He took all the burdens in the world, those from the past, present and future, and carried them upon His own shoulders. Jesus, without You, I would have died to my sins. Without You Jesus, my soul should be corrupt and dirty, to the point where I should be unable to enter into my Father’s Kingdom. Lord, only You could love me enough to do this for me… Only You could have set aside all of Your knowledge, all of Your power and all of Your ways to become like me. To become like me, to take upon Yourself my sins, and to die in my place upon that cross…

Lord, how I love You.


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