Saturday, November 12, 2005

I've Got You

Timmy ran around the lawn in his bare feet, laughing and just enjoying life as only a six year old can. Skidding to a stop in front of the big apple tree at the corner of his family’s property, he looked back over his shoulder to see if his father was still watching him. Seeing that he was, Timmy broke out into an open mouthed smile as he called out to his dad, “Hey Dad! Watch me climb the tree!”

Timmy’s father, who was standing near the house watching his son, nodded his head and grinned slightly. “Okay Tim. But be careful.”

Timmy giggled again and jumped up at the tree. Grasping a low branch, he wriggled his way up on top of it. Finding a solid standing point, he jumped again, and pulled himself up onto the next branch.

It was exhilarating! Timmy just felt more alive. It made him want to laugh and yell and scream and shout, all at the same time. And he did. He would scream at every jump and yell out every time he climbed up another branch. And he laughed the whole time, utterly enjoying himself. And then, suddenly, the entire mood changed.

Timmy jumped out, yelling, and grabbed at the next branch. His hands closed over the limb, but it was too smooth and his grip slipped. Timmy’s eyes went wide and his mouth opened slightly in surprise as his upward jump turned into a downward descent. Fortunately, he only fell a short ways before hitting another branch. As his body rebounded over the side and he started to fall again, he struck out with both hands and managed to get a grip on the branch. The limb quivered a bit and swayed, but he kept his hold.

Timmy now hung nearly fifteen feet in the air from a tree branch which he couldn’t get his feet over. He was stuck there, hanging from his arms. Looking around wildly he screamed out with tears starting to form, “Dad!!! Help me!!!”

“I’m here Tim.”

Looking down through tear clouded eyes, Timmy could see his father standing below him. He sobbed, “Dad! Help!”

“Let go Tim. I’ve got you.”

Timmy shook his head fiercely. “I- I- I can’t! I’ll fall!”

“I’ve got you Tim. Just let go.”

Tim’s grip was getting weaker. He was slipping. But still, he wouldn’t let go. Tears started running down his face freely now, staining his cheeks with wet lines as he sobbed harder. His dad wouldn’t say to let go if he was going to miss. If his dad said to let go, he would catch him. But, Tim was too scared of the fall to let go. “I can’t!” he screamed, “Come and help me!!!”

“I need you to let go Tim. I’ll catch you.”

Tim was crying harder now, his breath coming in short gasps between sobs. His dad was going to catch him, but Tim knew he was going to fall if he let go. “Dad!!! I can’t hold on!”

“Let go. I’ve got you.”

“Dad!!! You have to catch me! You have to! Dad!!!”

“I’ve got you.”

“DAD!!! DAAA-“ His last word cut off in the middle as he let go of the branch. All Tim could do was scream as he fell. And then, suddenly, his fall was broken as the arms of his father caught him and pulled him close in a hug.

Timmy reached his arms around his dad’s neck as he sobbed. He never wanted to climb again. All that mattered now was that he was safe, and that his dad was hugging him close. And then, with a happy sigh, Tim’s father started to whirl Tim about while holding him under his arm. Timmy’s tears stopped and he started to laugh as the whole world started to spin. The whole world, except for him and his dad.

Laughing, the two played the day away out in the yard.

It’s so hard for us as humans to let go. Whether it be a tree limb, or a lost hope or even a problem in our lives, it’s hard to let go. And why is that? Why can’t we just let go of the tree branch and fall to safety? Why can’t we just accept that some things in life are impossible (not to be confused with achieving things that are possible but seem impossible. I am talking about things that you know will never be, but you keep going after anyway). Why can’t we let go of a problem or an issue in our life and give it over to our Father, God?

It’s because we don’t trust anyone. We all trust ourselves, because we know where we are, what we’re thinking and what we’re going to do. With the tree example, even though Timmy knows that his dad would always catch him, there is still enough doubt to make him fear it (now, I also want to make it clear that even if you are afraid and you act, that you still showed trust. In fact, acting in spite of fear may mean you showed more trust than if you had acted with no fear at all). With the letting go of impossible hopes, I’ll be honest. I don’t know quite where I stand on that issue. On the one hand, Hebrews 11 seems to say that believing and having faith is the way to go. But, on the other side, it is all a chasing after of the wind and is meaningless, according to Ecclesiastes. And as for problems in life? Well, they’re the same as Timmy and the tree. We need to let go of the problem, to stop trying to take care of it ourselves and just let God have control over it. Because, if God is the Author of our life story, shouldn’t we stop trying to pencil it in how we want it to go and let the Author finish it as perfectly as He planned it?

Trust in God, let go, and free fall into His arms.


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