Monday, February 27, 2006

God is Love

All right. For the first time in Away Message Central's history, I'm asking you, the reader for your opinion. See, I want to know if you think that the highest form of love is loving someone so much that you can let them go, knowing that they head on to better things. I myself used to ascribe to that view, but I don't think I do anymore. See, even though Christ loves us, He wants us to choose Him. It is said that He is jealous of our love and wants everyone to choose Him.

I've always been fascinated with man's role within the family as the head of the household. I'm especially fascinated with the fact that we as men are to love our wives as Christ loves the Church. And, if that is so, doesn't that also mean we are supposed to desire that we are loved in return? I didn't use to think that we were to be "jealous" of their love, but after looking at Christ's relationship to the Church, I believe such is the case.

So, the real question I put forth to you is this: What is love? I've been trying to nail down a good definition for at least ten years. And, what I've come up with is this: To love is to emulate God, because God is love. Therefore, I feel, love is man/woman reflecting God's character. We were made in God's image after all, and if God is love, then we too must be strongly connected to love.

I don't know. Maybe I'm entirely too pre-occupied with the subject. But frankly, I'd really enjoy hearing someone else's point of view on the subject.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Valentine's Day 2006

Well, my site's been online for over a year now. And, after a long sabbatical, this is my first post of the year 2006. So, here it is.

Happy Valentine’s Day…


What does this world know of love anyway? The ads for (those of you who know me know I have a personal vendetta against are even more gaudy, and I just saw an article on how dating is all about you (at least they’re honest about it now) as opposed to your date. And while people could argue with that, and do so well, I am just appalled. I know dating is usually all about self gratification. And that’s why I avoid the whole concept. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I feel like running straight up to someone I know and asking them out, but I won’t. It’s not to say I won’t date, just that my priorities are different.

Now before some of you start coming at me with knives, let me clarify. Dating is not synonymous with sin or lust. It’s just my opinion that there is a better way. The fact that dating is a relatively new concept furthers my belief in a better way. Dating wasn’t possible until the advent of the automobile, so that young couples could get away from group settings and go off by themselves. Now, I pose this question to you, “What reason would a couple have to go off and be apart from their friends and family?” And don’t jump all over me simply because that’s not the way it’s done anymore. Seriously think about it. I know I have. And I’ve come to some conclusions.

Couples get away from the group setting to be alone with each other because they want privacy. Fair enough. But, privacy for what? Closer physical contact (again, don’t jump to narrow conclusions. I’m speaking of anything to embracing to intimacy)? Private conversation? Simply because they are ashamed of their families or friends? What?

If we were brought up in a loving home, we should never have reason to be ashamed of our families. In fact, we should be proud. I know I am. And private conversation? You can have private conversation just about anywhere. The argument just doesn’t hold up. But, physical contact? I feel that may very well be the main reason. Not that there’s anything wrong with a hug now and then or holding hands. But, if you read the Bible, or even if you just have eyes to see with, you know that human beings were created to be sexual beings. As a friend of mine was fond of saying, “God made sex, and He made it to be good.” It’s in His plan that we reproduce, through marriage. However, there is the small matter of hormones.

Hormones can influence our thinking and actions quite a bit. And God knows this. He made the system. He also gave us complete control over our actions, so that while we may be influenced by our hormones, ultimately we are the ones in control. Still, they can be a strong influence. A piece of advice in Song of Solomon is, “do not awaken love before it is ready”. I believe that is where dating becomes ultimately dangerous. For, if the reason we remove ourselves from the group setting is so that we can have privacy, then we lose accountability. Who is to say what may happen if love is awakened too early, while we are alone?

Now, I understand that some dates are all about just having fun. Going to a movie, eating out, picnics and even just staying out late so that you both can see the meteor shower that night together. For some people, dating is a system that works. I’m not here to condemn anyone. All I know is what I see, what I read in the Bible and what I feel myself. And it’s not about just being careful to avoid sin or lust. Really, I think what’s missing is accountability. And it can be had in other ways then just staying with your family. Let someone who cares about you know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. Let them understand to ask questions, check facts and just plain be there to keep you straight. I don’t suggest we take someone with us when we date. What I do suggest is more group setting activities and someone to keep you both accountable to each other, and to God. Because Jesus loved us first, as a groom loves His bride, He cares about us. We have already been “spiritually married” to Christ as the Church. Let’s follow His example to us in everything, even dating.