Sunday, November 04, 2007

I'm the only me

I’m the only me,
Am I the only one who sees it?
Everyone else just wants me to be some guy.
But I can’t because,
I’m the only me.

I’m not who you think,
I don’t act as I am, I act as they want.
I have become everyone
By being no one.
I’m not who you think.

I can’t remember.
When was the last time I cut loose?
My life story reads like a big excuse.
Has anyone ever liked me for me?
I can’t remember.

There’s no one to blame but me.
I may have been picked on in school,
I may have lied and cheated,
In the end, I’m the only ever-present reason.
There’s no one to blame but me.

Dear God, how could You let this be?
Is my life just punishment for my sins?
All the times I knew I shouldn’t, but still did?
All the times I should have stopped, but kept going?
Dear God, the reason must be me…


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