Monday, February 27, 2006

God is Love

All right. For the first time in Away Message Central's history, I'm asking you, the reader for your opinion. See, I want to know if you think that the highest form of love is loving someone so much that you can let them go, knowing that they head on to better things. I myself used to ascribe to that view, but I don't think I do anymore. See, even though Christ loves us, He wants us to choose Him. It is said that He is jealous of our love and wants everyone to choose Him.

I've always been fascinated with man's role within the family as the head of the household. I'm especially fascinated with the fact that we as men are to love our wives as Christ loves the Church. And, if that is so, doesn't that also mean we are supposed to desire that we are loved in return? I didn't use to think that we were to be "jealous" of their love, but after looking at Christ's relationship to the Church, I believe such is the case.

So, the real question I put forth to you is this: What is love? I've been trying to nail down a good definition for at least ten years. And, what I've come up with is this: To love is to emulate God, because God is love. Therefore, I feel, love is man/woman reflecting God's character. We were made in God's image after all, and if God is love, then we too must be strongly connected to love.

I don't know. Maybe I'm entirely too pre-occupied with the subject. But frankly, I'd really enjoy hearing someone else's point of view on the subject.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me answer that question. See, Christ does love the Church. And Christ does desire the Church's love in return. But, when we apply that to human relationships, there is a problem that causes it to not be a perfect fit from your perspective.

Christ is above the Church, whereas a man and woman are both equals before God. So while there is nothing wrong with following Christ's example in relationships, you need to remember that because Christ is Christ, He deserves our love. But because you are not perfect, you do not deserve other people's love, just as you do not deserve Christ's love. But Christ gave His love to you regardless. That is the mystery of love and why it is so wonderous. To be loved when you do not deserve it.

I think in your post that you were feeling in some small way that you deserved to be loved. No. You do not. Christ loves you even though you do not deserve it. So while you can hope that someone you love will love you in return, you are not to feel that you deserve it. For you are to love your wife as Christ loved the Church, but she is not to love you as she is to love Christ.

1:17 PM  

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