Monday, February 28, 2005

The Least Prayer

Well, my last post really didn't have any inspiration behind, and I think it showed. But, I got inspired today to write this prayer, which is and has been in my heart...

I am surely the lowest of all Your creation. Everyone else is greater than I and more deserving of You.

The President is higher than I. He leads this nation for you Lord. He is Your leader for us appointed through Your providence. He must make decisions daily that affect the whole world. Yes, the President is more than I.

The pastor is worth more than me. He teaches Your people Lord, and shows them Your ways. I have neither the strength nor the ability to do as he does for You, God. Yes, the pastor is greater than I.

The teacher does more than I do Lord. She gives the children knowledge so that they might better serve You. She holds as her responsibility their very souls as she teaches them the things they should know without falsity. Yes, the teacher is better than I.

Friends are better than I Lord. They put up with me, the lowest of the low, and expect nothing for it. They are a witness to Your grace as they accept me for who I am where even I have rejected myself. Yes, friends are more caring than I.

The child is closer to You, Lord. The little children accept Your every word without a second thought. They believe in You without the least bit of doubt. Yes, the child has more faith than I.

The homeless man is better than I Lord. He endures the troubles of this world in ways I cannot fathom. He is a testimony to Your care Lord, as he survives where I might despair and lose hope. Yes, even the homeless man is stronger than I.

The list is endless Lord. Everyone on this earth you have created is better than I, stronger than I, greater than I, or more than I. I am as low as dirt next to them Lord, and I am nothing compared to You. That is why I cannot understand… I do not comprehend how You, the Greatest of the Great, the Lord of Lords, the Creator of all, could give Your life for me. Why? Why did You die for me when I am nothing compared to You? Why did You give everything so that I could be Yours? Why? I can understand why you died for the others, Lord. They are so much more deserving of Your love than I am. But why me?

By giving Your life for mine, You have declared me worthy of it. By dying for me, You made me worth of it. That is why I must thank You more than anyone else, Lord, because I deserved it the least. And yet, to me was also given the greatest gift. The same that You gave the President. The same that You gave the pastor and the teacher. The same that You gave to all of mankind. And You included me, because You declared me worthy. And it makes me weep all the more because You gave to me all, when I was worthy of none.

The 3 Types

As I see it, there are 3 distinct categories of people in this world; The Pessimists, the Optimists and the Optimistic Pessimists. Now, I realize that most people will not fit the mold exactly, but without these broad classifications, we would end up with millions of specific ones. In fact, we’d probably have a different category for every person on the planet if we tried to be specific. So please understand that I am not saying you are one of these categories. I am only saying that most people will tend to be more distinctly one over another, but not necessarily purely one type.

The Pessimists are not fun people to hang around with. “Life’s bad, we know it, and we’re going to find everything that is going to go bad.” The Pessimists never seem to have much fun because they realize that in the end we’re all just going to die anyways. “Life’s tough so we have no right to be frivolous and happy. We should all just work and die in the end like everyone else does.”

So we agree that pure Pessimists are not fun people to be around. They’re always depressed and never seem to have any fun. Give a Pessimist a dollar and he’ll complain that the Yen is worth more or some other such argument.

The Optimists are on a completely different spectrum from the Pessimists. They see the good in everything. “Nothing is ever bad. All is right with the world.” Optimists find life to be an enjoyable experience and expect nothing but the best from everything.

There is a story I heard that perfectly contrasts the Optimist and the Pessimist and it goes like this. “Some psychologists were studying the way the mind works. One day they did a grand experiment with two children. One of these children was a Pessimist and never seemed to be happy. The other was an Optimist and always seemed to find the best in any situation. Well, the psychologists thought they’d place each in a different environment. They placed the Pessimist in a room full of toys. Every toy imaginable. All the different playthings in the world in one room, all for him. As for the Optimist, they placed him in a room knee deep in fresh manure. Then, they waited for a time and returned to see how the children reacted.

The Pessimistic child was found sitting in a corner looking glum. When asked why he wasn’t happy or playing with all the toys he told them, ‘I’d just break them eventually anyways… What’s the point?’

When they opened the door into the room with the Optimistic child, they found manure all over the walls. The Optimist was covered in the filth and was flinging it left and right with all his might. When asked what he was doing, the Optimistic child replied, ‘With this much manure, there has to be a pony in here somewhere!’”

While humorous, that story still gives a very good description of Optimists and Pessimists. But, I say that there is one more category that should be added, the Optimistic Pessimist. Now, you’re probably saying that if there is an Optimistic Pessimist that there has to be a Pessimistic Optimist. Not so. An Optimistic Pessimist is someone who realizes that life is bad, but decide to be happy regardless. A Pessimistic Optimist would then be someone who felt all of life was one big happy trip and that they should therefore be glum and depressed. I have another word for those kinds of people, and that word is “crazy”.

An Optimistic Pessimist tends to realize, like the Pessimist, that life is horrible and hurtful and depressing. But, instead of naturally reacting to that with depression and hopelessness, they decide to accept their fate and face it with a smile. They make the worst situation seem bright, not because they think it isn’t a bad situation like an Optimist would, but because they have decided to be happy about it anyways.

In the story I told, if an Optimistic Pessimist were to be placed in the room full of toys, I believe he would play with the toys and when asked why would say, “Well, I know I’m going to break them eventually, so I might as well use them now!” If placed in the room of manure, however, I see the Optimistic Pessimist smiling and being thankful that the manure wasn’t over his head.

In conclusion, I feel that as Christians we should tend towards either the Optimist or the Optimistic Pessimist. We know we have a Savior in heaven and that we are going to be there with Him someday, so we have no reason to be like the Pessimist and finding everything wrong with the world when we know everything’s going to be all right. As an Optimist, we should see the whole world as God’s gift to man (and woman for political correctness, even though I use the term man as in mankind as in humans), and try to live our lives in a way that would give our joy to everyone we meet. Or, we should be more like Optimistic Pessimists and realize that nothing in this world is going to work out how we planned it, but that we have a God Who cares, so we should just grin and bear it because we know that God is in control.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Creation

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And God said, “Let there be light,” and it was so. And the angelic host was amazed at the light and spoke to God. “Oh Lord Almighty, this is truly a marvel! The light fills the heavens and the earth and illuminates all so that we may see!” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

On the second day, God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water,” and it was so. And the angelic host marveled at the sight. “Surely great Lord of Lords, this is most amazing!” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear,” and all was as He said. And all the angels in heaven were astonished. “Great King of Kings! How marvelous is this which You have done! The waters and the land, the firm and the liquid! Surely, this is the greatest of Your works!” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

On the third day, God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds,” and it all happened just as He said. And the angels were astounded, “Lord! The earth which was dead now springs forth with life! Trees and grass and herbs and flowers! Surely Lord, this is greatest among that which you have created!” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

On the fourth day, God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,” and it was all as He said. And the angels in heaven all gazed in wonder at the sun and the moon and all of the stars in the sky, “Oh most Holy God! This is amazing to us! The sun and the light it produces, the moon in the night sky and all the stars! Lord? Is this the greatest of your works, for surely we have never seen the like!” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

On the fifth day, God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky,” and it was so. And the birds of the air and all the great creatures of the sea were a marvel to the angels, “Mighty God! What is this that you have created? The birds of the air and the creatures of the deep! How amazing is this sight! Surely Lord, nothing else you create could compare to this!” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

And on the sixth day, God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind,” and it all happened as He spoke. And the angels were amazed with the sight, “Great and Wonderful One! We are all astounded at this! The living creatures on the land; each one is beyond our comprehension! How can any of Your other creations compare?” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

And then, after God had made the light, after the Lord of heaven had created the land and the sea, after the Mighty Ruler of Creation had made trees and plants and flowers, after He had made the sun and the moon and the stars, after God in heaven had made the creatures in the sea, the birds of the air and the wild animals, He formed in the dust of the earth, a man. The angels watched in wonder as the Maker formed from the earth a creature not unlike the One Who was creating him. And the Lord of All breathed life into the man and called him Adam. God gave to Adam all that He had created and watched with a smile as he gave names to all the creatures on the earth and in the sky and under the seas. And the angels said, “Great and Glorious One! Surely nothing yet made compares to that which is called man. He is the very image of the Maker and is master over all the earth which you have given him.” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. And all the angels watched with awe as the man’s and woman’s hearts both beat faster. They watched with wonder as the man took the hand of the woman and gazed into her eyes. And they said, “Lord? What is this thing that you have done? What have you created?” And God replied, “This thing is called love. It is for love and through love that all things I have created have been created. It is through love that I have done all that I have done.” And God showed the angels what was going to happen. He showed them the betrayal in the garden, and how mankind would reject Him. He showed them the great wars and famines and disease that would fall upon the descendants of Adam and of the woman, Eve, because of their betrayal. He showed them how the world would fall so far away from Him that the people He had created could never come back to Him on their own. And He showed them how His Son would have to die in agony and anguish on a cross. And the angels were greatly distressed, “Why Lord? Why would you do such a thing? Why would you ever die for those who would hurt You so much?” And God replied, “Out of love for them, I would and will do everything.” And God showed the angels the little girl kneeling at her bed thanking Him for her parents. God showed them the man and wife, united in love and committed to Him. God showed them the churches and all the people thanking Him for all He had done. And slowly, the angels understood what Lord of All meant by love. He would do everything for them. And they told God, “We understand now Lord. We know why You have created all You have created and why you have done all that You have done. We know why You will die for the descendents of this man and woman. We realize what love is and how You are love. We understand.” And God replied with a smile, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Friday, February 11, 2005

My Jesus

Have you ever felt this way?

I sat there sobbing, head bowed, hands covering my eyes. My heart throbbed, empty. My soul echoed my sobs. I felt alone, unwanted, unneeded. No one wanted anything to do with me. Those whom I thought were my friends were the very ones who had wounded me. Wounded me with their words. Their harsh, caustic words! The words that, like a knife in my chest, throbbed with my heart. I raised my hands to the sky, outstretched, and I wailed. I screamed in frustration and sadness and dejection. I voiced the agonies of my soul to the heavens.

He sat there, sobbing, head bowed near mine, arm around me. He felt my pain as acutely as though He Himself were in my place. And indeed, He had been there. He had been scorned and scoffed at. Even at His death, He had been verbally abused. And at His death, He had raised His head to the sky as I did, and He said, “My God, my God… Why have you forsaken me?” He knew the pain I felt, and it was for that pain that He gave His life for me. Now, because of the pain He went through, there was something better for me. Now I had a Savior Who would always be beside me to comfort me. He had a plan for me, and though I had to suffer now, it was all for something better. He knew the pain I was going through, and He knew I had to endure it. He hurt for me, as a father’s heart churns as he punishes his child. He could see why it had to happen, but the child could not. And so the father’s child sobbed because of the pain, but the father cried not only because his child was hurting, but also because he had to let the child endure it. It was for the best, but the child could not see…

I sat there with my hands outstretched towards the sky, head raised to heaven, sobbing. Though I did not know why I had to feel this pain, I did know that I have a Savior Who knows, and He knows best. I sobbed some more, but this time it was different. This time I cried not because I was hurting, but because I knew that His arms were around me and that I was under His care. And I knew that my Jesus loves me…

Pain isn't a pleasent feeling to endure, but knowing that there is a God Who cares, and Who will always care is a great comfort. It makes you cry in another way. It makes you cry to know that there is Someone Who loves you that much...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Valentine's Day

I know it isn't Valentine's Day yet, but I could be kinda busy this weeked so I decided to post this a little early. Now don't anyone take this thing the whole wrong way and call me crazier than I already am. Read what it says, and don't make assumptions. I'm not trying to be subtle or tricky. Nor am I just spouting hot air. This is all true.

I hate February 14th the same way I hate Shrek and The Princess Bride and certain chapel services. All of these affect me generally in the same way. Now I know many people consider love as being a couple, either as a necessity or as just something fun shared between two people. If you’re one of those people, please stop reading now. You won’t understand. If you’re not one of those people, then by all means, keep reading.

Now, I don’t really hate February the 14th because of the people who treat being a couple as a game. It’s just that when I do see a “serious” couple, two people who love each other to the point where they would rather have the one they love love another if it was best, I am emotionally stricken. It isn’t jealousy, it isn’t regret. It isn’t even sadness exactly. I can’t really put it to a single word. It’s just that I am so thankful that those two have what they have that I tear up. I’m so happy for them, that they have found each other, that I literally can cry. Remember me mentioning Shrek? It definitely came as a surprise to me when I started tearing up at that film. I mean, come on! It’s a cartoon! But the same connection is there.

And I mentioned The Princess Bride too. What of that? Well, the greater part of the movie is a comedy/ action film. But it is the first few minutes where we are introduced to Buttercup and Wesley that gets to me. She treats him as she would any servant, with a slight bit of disdain and/or scorn. And yet, no matter how ridiculous the request, Wesley simply responds to her, “As you wish…” Now, we all know the story. What he is really showing is his love for her. He loves her so much that he doesn’t try to force her to love him, but instead he just shows her his love and expects nothing, and needs nothing. Just loving her is enough for him. But of course in fairy tales, life is perfect, so she eventually loves him in return.

I could go on and on mentioning films and books and people I know, but I think I have gotten my point across. So if you see me walking away from a couple, it is because I am so overjoyed at their happiness that I feel empty. If you see me sitting in chapel at the back with tears in my eyes, it is because I know love, and how much of it I receive from God. God is the epitome of this love I am describing. This love doesn’t have to be between a man and a woman, though there are obviously some differences. It is the love that would have me jump between my friend and a bullet. And I would too, because I would take his pain to keep it from him. It is the love God has for us. The love that Jesus showed for us when He allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross. Jesus didn’t just die for us, He suffered terrible pain and agony for us! He suffered such terrible pain for us… For humans… For those who He knew, as He was in agony, would spit on His name and slander His Word. Jesus loved us so much that He died for those who would not accept Him, because He loved them. That is the love that tears me up. That is the love that seems to be lost in this world. And that is the reason why I look towards Valentine’s Day with both dread, and hope. Hope as I know that there are a few out there who truly love another. And it is those few who make the world even inhabitable, for without those few, earth would truly be miserable and full of emptiness.

So there you have it.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Nursing Home

Well, not everything I post has to be about me. In fact, not everything I post has to be written by me either. So, enjoy this very sound argument that I think while bring a smile to your face. Just, don't email me telling me how bad it was!

No nursing home for me! I'm checking into the Holiday Inn. With the average cost for a nursing home reaching $188.00 per day, there is a better way when we get old and feeble. I have already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn.

For a combined long-term stay discount, and senior discount, its $49.23 per night. That leaves $138.77 a day for

(1) Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner in any restaurant that I want, or room service.

(2) Laundry, gratuities, and special TV movies. Plus, they provide a swimming pool, a workout room, a lounge, washer, dryer, etc. Most have free toothpaste and razors, and all have free shampoo and soap. They treat you like a customer, not a patient.

$5.00 worth of tips a day will have the entire staff scrambling to help you. There is a city bus stop out front, and seniors ride free. The handicap bus will also pick you up if you fake a decent limp. Ride the church bus free on Sundays.

For a change of scenery, take the airport shuttle bus and eat at one of the nice restaurants there. While you're at the airport, fly somewhere. Otherwise, the cash keeps building up.

It takes months to get into decent nursing homes. Holiday Inn will take your reservation today. And you are not stuck in one place forever, you can move from Inn to Inn, or even from city to city.

Want to see Hawaii? They have a Holiday Inn there, too.

TV broken? Light bulbs need changing? Need a mattress replaced? No problem. They fix everything for free and apologize for the inconvenience. The Inn has a night security person and daily room service. The maid checks if you are OK. If not, they will call the undertaker or an ambulance. If you fall and break a hip, Medicare will pay for the hip, and Holiday Inn will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life. And no worries about visits from family. They will always be glad to visit you, and probably check in for a few days mini-vacation. The grand kids can use the pool. What more can you ask for?

So, when I reach the golden age I'll face it with a grin. Just forward all your e-mails to the Holiday Inn!"

The Holiday Inn provides, to most standard rooms, coffee makers, reclining chairs, and satellite TV---- all you need to enjoy a cozy afternoon. After a movie and a good nap, you can check on your children (free local phone calls). Then take a stroll to the lounge or restaurant where you meet new and exotic people every day. Many Holiday Inns even feature live entertainment on the weekends. Often they have special offers, too, like the Kids Eat Free Program. You can invite your grand kids over after school to have a free dinner with you. Just tell them not to bring more than three friends.

Pick a Holiday Inn where they allow pets, and your best friend can keep you company as well. If you want to travel, but are a bit skittish about unfamiliar surroundings; in a Holiday Inn you'll always feel at home because wherever you go, the rooms all look the same. And if you're getting a little absent-minded in your old days, you never have to worry about not finding your room--your electronic key fits only one door and the helpful bellman or desk clerk is on duty 24/7.

Being natural skeptics, we called a Holiday Inn to check this story out. I'm happy to report that they were positively giddy at the idea of us checking in for a year or more. They even offered to negotiate the rate (we could have easily knocked them down to $40 a night)!.

See you at the Inn!

I know where I'm going!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Ocean of Reality

There is no greater depression than this... To feel as though no one needs you, wants you or even gives a lick about what happens to you... And it's only worse when you do give a lick about them.

Adrift. Lost. Floating in the Ocean of Reality. Such is my fate. Such is how I must be. In this vast expanse of water, alone. Every so often, I see others. Every so often I find that I am not really the only person in life. But, soon they drift away. They want nothing to do with me. Some already have others with them, but I am not wanted. And so I drift alone, floating in the middle of the sea.

This sea is salty. As salty as the mighty Atlantic or the foaming Pacific. More so even. More salty than even the Dead Sea, for the Ocean of Reality is made of the saltiest of waters. This sea, is made of tears. My tears, and the tears of all I have hurt. Some others have tears in the sea from those who have cried for them, but not I. The only tears around me are those I have created.

There is no land in all this body of water, save for the island who's name is Hope. No one lives on the island, but there are those who spend time there. But, to find the island, you have to have hope. Those who live in Hope after a time always seem to lose hope and cast back off into the sea. I cast off some time ago. I stay within sight of the island, but never can reach it it seems. I seem to be caught between Hope and the Ocean of Reality and am unable to go far to either extreme.

Those who are truly lucky and blessed find others either in Hope or in Reality who would join them on their journey. Those happy few set off together into Reality to brave the waters together. The bond forged between them is mightier than anything the Ocean can throw at them and strong enough so that they no longer need Hope. They instead have the powerful CompanionShip, who's prow will never go under as long as those on board continue to help each other.

But me, I lie on a plank of wood from the only thing that kept me from the sea. That was the the boat called Ignorance. Everyone in the Ocean, on Hope or in a CompanionShip started their journey in Ignorance. But, Ignorance is never enough to hold up against the mighty Ocean of Reality. And so, I drift along on that plank, remembering the short stay I had in Hope. Now, it is all I can do to keep Hope in my sight as the Ocean of Reality pulls me away...

That is quite possibly the most cynical thing I have ever written...